Hiking and Journaling

Eli Whitney Museum

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for ages 11+

Thumbnail of Hiking and Journaling project

2024 Summer Program

Please Note: This is a four day class- Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri.
We are closed, Wed, June 19th.

East Rock Park was established 140 years ago to preserve and share the woodlands and wildlife that surround the river that powered Whitney’s machines. 400 acres rise from the tidal basin to a trap rock ridge with a panoramic view of Long Island sound.

Learn the intricacies of hiking: planning, map reading, orienteering, trail safety, responsible impact, and proactive stewardship. Explore some of the Park’s 10 miles of trails. Use our binoculars to get a closer look at birds and wildlife in the Park.

Learn the art of the sketchbook (journal). Make close observations and record what you see. Learn tricks for measuring and techniques for drawing. Learn to use field books to guide your observations.

A sheltered space with microscopes, art supplies and a reference library will be available for rainy days.

Josiah Venter is a lifelong resident of the East Rock Neighborhood and Head of Science at St. Thomas’s Day School in New Haven.

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