915 Whitney Avenue
Food & Drink | Art Auction | Live Music
Tickets are available online and at the door.
From the Arno Valley to East Rock.
Tickets are available online and at the door.
From the Arno Valley to East Rock.
Join us on Thursday, May 15th for a vibrant art auction, live music, and a delicious spread of treats from local vendors. Funds raised by donors and artists will support the museum's efforts to teach Leonardo's idea of improvisational creativity to K–12 learners, dedicated apprentices, and the Greater New Haven community.
If you are interested in supporting this event through a sponsorship, contact 203.777.1833 or email manager@eliwhitney.org.
Leonardo da Vinci’s first known drawing made in the summer of 1473 depicts the landscape of the Arno River Valley. This year the Eli Whitney Museum & Workshop’s 29th annual fundraising event the Leonardo Challenge brings together artists and creative thinkers to ask questions and find answers through the study of the landscape. This could be the challenge you need to make your first landscape drawing or painting. Your sculptural representations of the landscape are also encouraged.
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During the summer, we teach summer camp classes during the day here in the Museum.
Monday – Friday, Office Hours 9am – 5pm
Walk-in Projects available during open hours on
Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday: 10am – 3pm
Sunday: 10am – 3pm
Phone: (203) 777-1833
Fax: (203) 777-1229